Depression is amongst the most common forms of illness with one in 6 people diagnosed at some point in their life. Symptoms may include loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite and sleep, a sense of worthlessness and suicidal thoughts. It is a well understood, treatable condition that is best tackled early.
Generalised Anxiety
Individuals with generalised anxiety often describe themselves as born worriers and may even worry about the amount they worry. It is an extremely common problem where the client may be unable to shut their mind off and often imagine the worst possible outcome to every situation.
OCD is characterised by intrusive, unwelcome thoughts and a sense of responsibility to act in response to them. Repetitive behaviour are often designed ensure safety. OCD can develop into a debilitating problem and used to be considered one of the most disabling illnesses of any kind.
Social Anxiety
Individuals with social anxiety typically fear negative judgement from others and are sensitive to embarrassment. The problem can be general such as anxiety when meeting new people or related to specific situations such as public speakin.
Specific Phobias
Specific phobias relate to intense fears of particular things such as animals, insects or needles. It can also relate to situations such as being in confined spaces. People with phobias usually manage their fear by avoiding the thing that frightened them.
Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem can underly depression and anxiety and is often characterised by self-critical thinking, avoidance of conflict and unfavourable comparisons to others. Treatment can be life changing as it can help people to engage in positive relationships and face new challenges head on.
Health Anxiety
Clients with health anxiety tend to be preoccupied with thoughts that they have an illness. Common physical sensations such as a stomach ache or itch can lead the person to think the worst and worry they are seriously ill.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a response to a situation in which we or someone we someone else are at risk of death or serious harm. Symptoms may include nightmares and flashbacks to the event which can seem like they are real. People with PTSD often become avoidant of any situation which reminds them of what happened
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
BDD is characterised by a persistent preoccupation with a perceived defect in ones appearance. Suffers tend to believe that it is immediately apparent to anyone that sees them and defines how they look. It is a serious condition with the highest suicide rate of any mental health problem.
Panic Disorder
People with panic disorder may experience frequent episodes of highly intense anxiety characterised by palpitations, shaking, nausea and thoughts that they may be about to die. Attacks can be Brought on by worrying physical sensations or thoughts or in response to being in a busy or confined space.